This story is worth our extra attention, known in popular parlance as “the Tic Tok ban,” with the Rahm Emmanuel Edict fully on display.
Comforting vocabulary (safe and secure, trust, respect, freedoms) is marbled with truthful vocabulary (reimagine, rebalance, must make fundamental shifts, must realign incentives, must use all tools of national power). Christ’s “Amen, amen I say to you” is an unvarnished prompt to His audience that they should pay close attention to the words that follow. Our Federal Government Voice, inflated with hubris to sound Christ-like, says to its audience, the unwashed masses: government must use all tools of national power in a coordinated manner to protect. Are we paying close attention?
MARCH 02, 2023
FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces National Cybersecurity Strategy
Today, the Biden-Harris Administration released the National Cybersecurity Strategy to secure the full benefits of a safe and secure digital ecosystem for all Americans. In this decisive decade, the United States will reimagine cyberspace as a tool to achieve our goals in a way that reflects our values: economic security and prosperity; respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; trust in our democracy and democratic institutions; and an equitable and diverse society. To realize this vision, we must make fundamental shifts in how the United States allocates roles, responsibilities, and resources in cyberspace.
We must rebalance the responsibility to defend cyberspace by shifting the burden for cybersecurity away from individuals, small businesses, and local governments, and onto the organizations that are most capable and best-positioned to reduce risks for all of us.
We must realign incentives to favor long-term investments by striking a careful balance between defending ourselves against urgent threats today and simultaneously strategically planning for and investing in a resilient future.
The Strategy recognizes that government must use all tools of national power in a coordinated manner to protect our national security, public safety, and economic prosperity.1
The protection threatened or rather, promised, is provided by a bipartisan (ie Uniparty) group of senators (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence or SSCI) working in conjuction with the Intelligence Community (IC). Weaponization of the federal government refers to these two groups working in consort.
Additionally, it is not coincidental the “TicTok ban” legislation (SB686), which is a fraudulent auspice for total internet control by the intelligence community, comes from within bipartisan legislation spearheaded by the aligned interests of Senator Warner, the SSCI and DHS. None of this is accidental, and the legislative branch is walking into the creation of an online control mechanism that has nothing whatsoever to do with banning TikTok.2
These protectors will break our bones with words, in addition to sticks and stones. “Hate” crime was the prelude to “thought” crime, as in the most recent case of the woman with SID (sexual identity dysfunction) gunning down children in a Christian school, and the unwise attempt by some Christians to classify the killings as deriving from “hate.” But with a proposed law such as TicTok ban, no actual crime need be coupled to the underlying “hate,” just words typed on a computer. “Congress shall make no law….abridging the freedom of speech.” That quaint Jeffersonian legacy sentiment is obliterated in the interest of the Rahmian one when defending ourselves against urgent threats.
"I have been briefed by the FBI. They say they are fully prepared," Warner, a Democrat and the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told CNN on Sunday. "They have seen no specific threats but the level of rhetoric on some of these right-wing sites has increased."3
“Level of rhetoric” evidently uses the crime barometer, like the Queen for a Day sympathy barometer:
SSCI & IC selected contestants similarly advance to a chair in the spotlight, having scored high on the rhetoric barometer, but a chair in a courtroom. “Misinformation” will also be calculated on the crime barometer, and a recent winning contestant found out this week that his uses of Twitter memes scored very high indeed.
“William Sweeney Jr., the assistant director of the FBI's New York field office, said in a statement that what Mackey allegedly did ‘amounted to nothing short of vote theft.’'“4
The FBI charging vote theft verifies the one-sided assault on liberty they are undertaking on behalf of the Globalist Uniparty.