I don’t know if I will write here again after this piece. For now, I have concluded things I have been pondering for long, having reached a general understanding of the mechanism, and the mechanics of operation, both as related to the Public Square and to the Church, and I feel the need to set down my conclusions. It will be a rapid romp. I will be setting them down without discussing a variety of viewpoints, as that would require a book that I shall never write; I feel the minor talent I may possess best encased in fiction and poetry.
That the Articles of Confederation were rejected and a federal constitution installed marked the great fork in the road that has revealed its devastation decade by decade. The Anti-Federalist Papers make clear the disproportionate number of colonists who favored a continued regional independence to a central government. The great and tragic illustration of this wrong road taken is the Civil War, unleashed as the preferred tool to solve a disagreement among states, setting untold consequences spinning into the future, to untold national harm. Aeschylus said the first and truest statement ever uttered on this subject: “In war, truth is the first casualty.” His maxim echoed in 40 named wars with Indians, Boxer Rebellion and Opium War, Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII (Hiroshima & Nagasaki), Korean War, Vietnam War, all the aggressions and regime changes in the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, South America. The preferred tool has been wielded with unbridled confidence in the military/industrial complex, and with wholly shackled confidence in the American citizenry saddled with the debt of these exploits. A federal government empowered to regulate, tax, incarcerate, censor, surveil, arrest, charge, and wage the myriad aspects of foreign wars & meddling, without approval from any elected body or any vote of the citizenry, but in fact duly constituted and programmed to suppress the citizenry, is the endgame of federal power. We are there.
Because the federal government is aligned in opposition to the common people, it is expected that primarily lies will emanate from this monolith. All things health, environmental, societal, law enforcement, science, education, electoral, energy - every aspect of this monolith should be assumed mendacious. To the extent that state governments follow federal proposals is the same extent to which we assume untruth. Reaching this conclusion, one need no longer follow the Fellini parade of events that pass on the screen, as the particulars do not serve to expand understanding but to provide entertainment. What desperately needs attention is any new development surmounting upon our liberties. These we must keenly follow so that we know how to prepare, organize, and resist. And most importantly, pray.
And that is the segue to the other subject that rightly and ultimately absorbs our deepest concern. My sole interest is the Catholic faith because I believe in the depths of my soul that it alone is the Truth God has presented us with. In parallel with my disillusionment of the true actions of our government is a corollary disabuse of my acceptance of Vatican II and the novus ordo liturgy it spawned. 10/11/62 brings us to the modern era, in the Catholic Church and its desire to throw open a window to the world, as misguided as doing the same with a crowd of criminal home invaders outside calling out for entry to one’s home. Today the occupant of the Vatican is similar in every way with the occupant of the White House, and both are beholden to the WEF & UN & the multi-generational Globalists. As a consequence of this understanding, I treat with equal rejection the pronouncements of both occupants and their minions. The vision I carry that exists is liberty in the Public Square, and Truth in the Catholic Church. The former is grasped ahold of at the neighborhood, town, county, and state levels in concert with fellow citizens. The latter exists in the Trent Catechism, the 1859 Douay-Rheims Bible w/Father Haydock’s notes, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and all other writings, etc. up to 1962. I bring up the Catholic Church in this writing to show how it is subsumed under the Globalist agenda, not to sketch out what and why I believe, as that belongs elsewhere.
What I hereby conclude is the following of politics. I no longer believe that it presents any solutions to society’s problems. The system itself precludes virtuous men from enacting virtuous policies. And now, with the disappearance in its entirety of fair elections with the implementation of voting machines connected to the internet and universal mail-in voting, the American Republic is a failed experiment awaiting the same fate that befalls all tyrannies. Will it be CBDC tied to facial recognition and 6G panopticon prisons? Will Russia & China join forces against the West? Will wars break out simultaneously in Sudan, Taiwan, Israel, along with Ukraine and who knows where else? Will the dollar crash and be pushed aside? Will it be another unleased biological weapon to update all that has been learned in freshman-level population beat-down and control? All of these scenarios are believable.
However, and I will say it again - however: Our great and mighty God rules this world. He will either direct or permit all events. He has created all of us for this particular moment in time. No one is beyond His reach. Specifically, I place great weight on the fact that we point to Christopher Columbus as our founder, a man fully committed to bringing new peoples to Christ. There is a Plan for us, the USA, I do believe. I will keep alert to playing a part in preserving liberty as a beacon here.
I conclude with some words from Whittaker Chambers. He was assessing the world from his vantage point in the aftermath of WWII, a world greatly damaged by that unleashed tool preferred by the Global wreckers once again:
“It is idle… to talk about preventing the wreck of Western civilization. It is already a wreck from within. That is why we can hope to do little more now than snatch a fingernail of a saint from the rack or a handful of ashes from the faggots, and bury them secretly in a flowerpot against the day, ages hence, when a few men begin again to dare to believe that there was once something else, that something else is thinkable, and need some evidence of what it was, and the fortifying knowledge that there were those who, at the great nightfall, took loving thought to preserve the tokens of hope and truth.”
In the gloaming of this “great nightfall” that seems to be descending upon us, we too carry within us “tokens of hope and truth” to be preserved for posterity. I, primarily, will be doing this work at my desk by the window looking on the ferns and anthuriums.
I made this audio 10 or so years ago when I felt America unraveling. I still held a patriotic regard for our nation’s major military episodes, before I realized that they were the road to ruin. I maintained then, as I maintain now, that the American people carry a cultural tradition and goodness and happy disposition that has radiated the globe. May we never lose this.
My meditation to Secret Story album by Pat Metheny - Not to be Forgotten [Our Final Hour]